Email marketing and print

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why all businesses should still be using

email marketing

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It is amazing how often we will speak with a business owner and find out they do have an email database, but they have no idea what to do with it or how to communicate effectively with their audience!

Your print marketing campaign is amazing for building brand awareness and driving leads to your website or to contact you. Email marketing is incredibly effective for customer retention and referrals!

Customers will often utilise your service and 6 months later your business is no longer top of mind and they forget about you. By emailing these customers content such as business updates, specials, promotions, referral programs or offers on a regular basis you can keep the awareness or your business ongoing.

Offers, Specials, Promotional Emails

These types of email campaigns are very effective at driving new business to your website. If you are having difficulty getting a new product out there, email marketing is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to get the message out to an audience you already know is interested in your products and services.

Informative / Seasonal Emails

Keep people up to date with information related to your industry or simply which them a happy holiday season. These emails may seem like a waste of time, but they keep the brand name in the mind of the audience. Informative emails can also be used for effective marketing funnels, retargeting audience members who click through to articles about various topics will bring them one step closer to a purchase.

Referral Emails

You may have a business that people are not likely to require more than once. Use their information to request a referral from them, with an enticing offer it can really help to keep your business growing.


If your business is looking for a professional assessment of your email marketing or you simply would like someone to run the campaigns for you, contact Marketing Together, our content writers, marketing specialists and graphic designers are ready to help.

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raise awareness with


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Like it or not social media platforms are here to stay. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and other platforms are fantastic tools for promoting your brand / product or service online.

Our team can work with you on targeted advertising, creation of content and creating funnels that will help to grow your business.


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help them find you on


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If you can’t be found on Google, your missing out. We can help you get your business found on Google with Google Ads, Content Marketing and retargeting campaigns designed to encourage consumers not only to visit your business once, but to keep coming back again and again.


At Marketing Together, we understand the importance of this investment. That’s why we’re offering a new, custom-designed, conversion-optimised website for free when you sign up for six months of digital marketing services—a $5000 value at no extra cost.

Don’t let your website be the weak link in your marketing strategy. Contact us today to start building a site that not only looks great but also performs brilliantly.

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