Gain high intent customers through

Google Ads.

Are you taking advantage of the one platform in the world with 4.3 billion users? What about a platform with 92.24% marketshare?

You’re probably even questioning if this even exists? Or just some marketers sales copy. Funny thing is, chances are you’ve probably used it today, and I would bet you would struggle to remember the last time you didn’t use this platform. What is this mystical thing I speak of?
Google ads is the one tool in every performance marketers tool belt they can rely on.

Marketing to high intent consumers, what does this mean? It means they’ve got dollars and they want to spend them on your business, but what happens if you’re not there when they need you most?
Your competition are there, taking your customers, taking your sales, taking your revenue.
Our Google ads specialists create laser targeted ads that DEMAND attention to drive clicks. From there clicks drive revenue. Assuming of course you have an up to date, efficient and easy to use website.
At Marketing Together we use time tested strategies that are constantly tweaked to drive every percentage of performance we can. Why? So you can make the most money possible from performance marketing.
It’s like magic but for us, it’s our passion. Your results are our success.

Heard enough?
…amazing personalised customer service, I’m extremely happy”


Google ads is the single fastest way to
and drive sales. If built correctly, campaigns can start delivering unprecedented results from day one. Ultimately, the proof is in the pudding.
Google ads can
for any
at any time, it simply comes down to strategy and implementation.
Showing the right ad when a prospective customer is searching for a solution is
With Google Ads

Our Google ads specialists create laser targeted ads that demand attention to drive clicks.

From there clicks drive revenue. 
We get it, you have probably been promised the world by another agency? Taken for a ride with empty promises? Happens all too often unfortunately.
At Marketing Together we virtually guarantee results, the reason we can do this and others can’t is because we have the knowledge, expertise and passion, we’ve made it happen time and time again, so we’re pretty confident we’ve got it under wraps.

We do the research on your business, align your goals and craft a strategy built for success.

for you..

We do all the
hard work

From your free consultation, we do the research, analyse the data and breakdown your business, all to deliver the best strategy built for success.
The reality is, if we aren’t 100% confident in delivering exceptional results for your business, we will provide suggestions on what needs to change. After all, we love our clients and want the absolute best for them. Unlike most money hungry agencies that will take on any business to turn over revenue, we CARE.
That’s our guarantee to you. You have nothing to lose any everything to gain with Marketing Together.
Take the leap,

you won’t regret it.

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