How to Best Scale Facebook Ads

You’re promoting your business on Facebook, but you’re not getting the results you want. Sounds familiar? Here’s how to best scale your Facebook Ads.

Maybe you struggle coming up with creative taglines. Maybe you’re unsure about which metrics to look at.

Whatever the reason, you’re not getting the results you want.

We are about to change that.

Imagine making $17 from every dollarr you spend on Facebook advertising. Spend $500 and you make $8,500 in sales.

Say you’re serious about growing your business and you invest $10,000. That is – yes you guessed it – $170,000 in return!

It’s all possible. We just did it for one of our clients.

And today, we will show you how you can achieve the same results.

Our creative director & marketing strategist Callum has created an easy 6-step guide showing you how to create Facebook Ads that perform. Plus, a little extra something for the ones of you who want more.

Step 1: Identify your audience

First step when creating Facebook Ads is to identify your audience

There’s no point in advertising to the wrong audience at the wrong time. You probably already know that, but we can’t stress enough about the importance of this.

Your ads are only going to convert if your Facebook Ads serve your customers needs and wants. So the first step here is to get to know your audience and identify their desires.

Who are your customers? What age are they? Where do they live? What are their interests, motivations, values? How do they interact with your business? What is their buying behaviour?

Keep in mind you can have more than one audience. As long as they are viable.

We like to create a customer avatar or customer profile for each audience as it gives you a clear picture of who your customers really are.

Find out more about customer profiling here!

Step 2: Facebook audience targeting

Second step when creating Facebook Ads is to target your audience

Once you know your audiences, it’s time to target you ads

Basically, this step is all about defining your audiences based on different factors such as location, interests, connections, behaviour, lookalikes, and so on.

In this case, we achieved the best results for our client by targeting their audiences based on the following three factors:

Interest based targeting

As the name suggests, interest based targeting focuses on the interests of your customers. Let’s say you’re a shaper and you sell surfboards. What are your customers most interested in?

Safe to say Mick Fanning will be at the top of their list. What else. You could also say they like travelling, camping, extreme sports, nature, beer… You see where this is going.

Lookalike audience targeting

A lookalike audience is a group of people that share similar interests with your best customers. Advertising to this group lets you reach a new audience and grow your customer list.

To create lookalike audiences, simply export your existing customer list with customer contact details such as name, email and mobile number. Upload it to your Facebook Business Account and Facebook then matches your customers with their profile, if they have one.

Now the magic happens. Facebook will know their behaviours and find new groups with similar characteristics. Just like that and you have new prospects you can advertise to.

Behavioural retargeting 

Behavioural retargeting is a great way to re-engage with an audience across multiple touch points, ultimately leading to a conversion action.

Your audience is defined by analysing customer behaviour such as website interactions or previous purchases.

Say you sell women’s shoes. Looking at your website data insights you can see that a promotional video featuring red shoes got 2,000 views. These people obviously show a strong interest in red shoes.

Now if they come across multiple engaging campaigns celebrating your red shoes, their interest will most likely turn into a conversion.

Step 3: The funnel

Third step when creating Facebook Ads is to create the marketing funnel

After you set up your target audiences, a social media marketing funnel needs to be structured. Simply put, the funnel determines what ads are best to show to which audience based on where they are at on their customer journey.

The funnel starts with awareness, followed by consideration and then conversion. Your ad copy and offers are tailored to each stage to bring people to the next level.

Let’s have a look at every stage in more detail.


The first stage of the customer journey is the process of making potential buyers aware of your business. Give them information about your products or services, but don’t go into too much detail. That would overwhelm them. Just show them how you could solve their problem or fulfil their needs and wants.


During this stage, your audience knows you. They are considering buying from you, but are just not quite there yet. At this stage you want to convince them that your products or services are the best solution they can find. Highlight the unique benefits and differences from competitors that you can offer.


Once potential customers get to this stage, you need one more final push. They have decided to buy from you, but there might still be some pain points stopping them from buying. Remove them! Often, small incentives can help such as free trials, discounts, or a free consultation.

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Step 4: Set up Facebook ads

Now you’re ready to set up your ads and launch them! From the previous steps, you defined your most viable target audiences and determined at what stage they are at in the marketing funnel.

Now you want to set objectives for each of your campaigns. 

There are different objectives for each of the stages in the funnel i.e., brand awareness, reach, traffic, engagement, app stalls, video views, conversions, and so on.

Choose the one that best aligns with your goals.

Step 5: Test and optimise Facebook ads

It’s time to see all your hard work come to fruition — or not! Either or, this step is super exciting, because this is where things get real.

We always say, if you monitor your progress, you’re already halfway there. After launching your campaigns it is important to identify ‘poor performers’, ‘best performers’ and areas of improvement.

See which campaigns deliver results and which don’t.

Sometimes the messaging isn’t quite right or the offer isn’t enticing enough. These ‘poor performers’ are easy to fix. Optimise them and monitor them again. If they still won’t perform, cut them loose.

Then there are your ‘best performers’. Campaigns with high ROAS (Return On Ad Spend), many clicks and high conversion rates. These warm your heart and make your eyes sparkle. These campaigns are keepers and super important for our next step.

Step 6: Scale your business

Okay THIS is the most exciting part of doing Facebook Advertising. Your sales are about to explode, so hold tight.

First of all, the most important metric to look at is ROAS. The higher this number, the higher the conversion rate. The higher your sales (winning).

Scaling your Facebook Ads means to increase your ad spend while maintaining a high ROAS.

Now that you identified your best performing ad campaigns from the previous step, scaling them should be a breeze.

Keep in mind that ROAS at the Awareness stage is usually much lower. Customers at this stage are only at the beginning of their journey with you. So trust is obviously low and still has to be built.

Once you get to the Conversion stage, that’s where you will see big jumps in ROAS (if the ads are done cleverly).

As briefly mentioned, for one of our clients we make almost $17 for every dollar they spend. The ad is a retargeting ad with the goal of increasing conversions.

The exact ROAS is $16.97. So far, they spent $1,489, which made them $25,273. Winning! This is only the beginning of their journey with us and we can’t wait to see what their future holds.

Ready to scale your business with Facebook Ads?

We can do the same for your business. Whether you’re a service-based business wanting more leads and clients or run an eComm business wanting more sales.

We guide you step by step and help you grow your business.

Still have questions?

Book your free consultation now.

And let’s talk Facebook Ads for your business.

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Don’t let your website be the weak link in your marketing strategy. Contact us today to start building a site that not only looks great but also performs brilliantly.

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