Tag: customer loyalty

What Makes a Successful Website

There are two main aspects to every website: Design and functionality. Think about this: Do you have a high bounce rate? Are customers filling their baskets, but don’t complete their purchase? For [...]
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The STP Marketing Model: Complete Guide

    Nowadays, the STP marketing model is one of the most commonly practiced strategies in marketing. It is best known for creating more effective, streamlined communication. It concentrates on [...]
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5 Must-Have Customer Retention Strategies

Gaining new customers is and always will be important. But, what’s even better than gaining one new customer? If you thought the answer was “more customers” then you’re unfortunately wrong. [...]
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Advertising on Facebook in 2021

Facebook is the world’s largest social network. To be exact, 2.8 billion active monthly users large. Here’s how to advertise on Facebook in 2021. Undoubtful, 2.8 billion monthly users is [...]
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