Author: Developer

Confessions of a Hashtag Addict

In the vast realm of social media, where trends rise and fall faster than you can refresh your feed, the humble hashtag has played a pivotal role in shaping conversations, [...]
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Clickbait Rehab

In the fast paced world of content creation and digital marketing, the allure of clickbait can feel irresistible.  After all, who doesn’t want that spike in clicks and the fleeting [...]
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Website Checklist: The Ultimate Guide

No matter what type of website — eCommerce, professional, portfolio, blog — our ultimate website checklist will help you create a site that performs. Launching a website is one of [...]
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Do Instagram Hashtags Still Work?

Yes, yes, and YES! Instagram hashtags still work. In fact, they are powerful pieces of text when it comes to increasing engagement, attracting new followers and creating a recognisable brand. [...]
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How to Best Scale Facebook Ads

You’re promoting your business on Facebook, but you’re not getting the results you want. Sounds familiar? Here’s how to best scale your Facebook Ads. Maybe you struggle coming up with [...]
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Traditional vs. Digital Marketing

Traditional vs. digital marketing. What’s the difference and which one works better? There has been a long-lasting debate between the two. What’s the Difference? The main difference between the two [...]
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What Makes a Successful Website

There are two main aspects to every website: Design and functionality. Think about this: Do you have a high bounce rate? Are customers filling their baskets, but don’t complete their purchase? For [...]
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