Category: Social Media Marketing

Augmented Reality in Marketing Campaigns

Augmented Reality in Marketing Campaigns Imagine stepping into a world where your marketing leaps off the screen and into the palm of your hand, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.  [...]
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Do Instagram Hashtags Still Work?

Yes, yes, and YES! Instagram hashtags still work. In fact, they are powerful pieces of text when it comes to increasing engagement, attracting new followers and creating a recognisable brand. [...]
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How to Best Scale Facebook Ads

You’re promoting your business on Facebook, but you’re not getting the results you want. Sounds familiar? Here’s how to best scale your Facebook Ads. Maybe you struggle coming up with [...]
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Is Social Media Marketing Effective?

The short answer is yes. Social media marketing is very effective and we will uncover the three main reasons why. With billions of people around the world using social media, [...]
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10 Marketing Tips for Small Business

Today, I will show you low-budget marketing tips proven to be successful for any small business. Commonly, the marketing budget for small businesses is very tight, which makes it difficult [...]
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7 Ways to Get More Leads Now

Do you want more leads? Increase profits? Generating leads is one thing. Converting them into sales is what really matters. Everything starts with creating an arousal or so-called ‘need’ for [...]
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Advertising on Facebook in 2021

Facebook is the world’s largest social network. To be exact, 2.8 billion active monthly users large. Here’s how to advertise on Facebook in 2021. Undoubtful, 2.8 billion monthly users is [...]
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